Surface EMG - is a non-invasive, easy-to-use neuromuscular function test
Surface EMG - is a non-invasive, easy-to-use neuromuscular function test Surface EMG - is a non-invasive, easy-to-use method for the examination of neuromuscular function. It is also called dynamic electromyography because it does not affect the receptor position or posture. The surface EMG is non-invasive, simple to operate, and easy to accept. At present, surface electromyography has been widely used in neuromuscular function tests in sports medicine, rehabilitation medicine, spinal surgery, etc., and has important value in the diagnosis and treatment of related diseases. Surface electromyography analysis of paraspinal muscles in patients with lumbar disc herniation after single-segment lumbar disc herniation Article highlights: 1 The article systematically summarizes the clinical value of electromyography in evaluating the function of paravertebral muscles and the therapeutic effect of lumbar disc herniation, and innovatively applies the contraction recruitmen...